Last weekend I felt out of sorts, it was a busy weekend so I didn't give it much thought. My slower pace keeps me balanced and crazy makes me, well, crazy. The week started leaving me in the same funk but I pushed on ignoring my inner turmoil. Come Wednesday little bumps surfaced on both the little girls, not many but enough to give away their cause. Chicken pox. A quick call to the pediatrician to document this milestone and we were off to watch movies and hang out. Neither Ava nor Lydia had too many spots and the itching wasn't anything that the creams couldn't handle, no temperatures, no aches. Not too bad for the chicken pox.
As night fell a sudden itching on my chin caught me off guard. I had two bumps. Certainly couldn't be anything, I had chicken pox as a kid. Thursday and Friday rolled around with not much change in the little girls besides a few more bumps and some pent up energy from being stuck inside. I, however, felt tired and achey and had a weird sore throat. Sunday brought a handful more itchy bumps for me and the girls and it became official, I have the chicken pox too. Stinks, but explains the mood over the previous weekend as often a change happens there before the onset of a Behcets flair or virus. On a positive note, it's mild, this second round of chicken pox of mine. Hopefully, it's a final experience. One could only hope.
After this chicken pox pause I hope to bring you Images of Hope.
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